Our medical

Institut Calot

Chirurgien orthopédiste


Institut Calot



Institut Calot

Orthopaedic surgeon


Clinique des Acacias

General and digestive surgeon, proctologist


Institut Calot

Intensive care physician


Centre Jacques Calvé

Physical Medecine & Rehabilitation


Centre Sainte Barbe

Rehabilitation physician (MPR)


Institut Calot



Institut Calot



Institut Calot

Orthopaedic surgeon


Clinique des Acacias

General, digestive and proctological surgeon


Centre Sainte Barbe

Rehabilitation physician (MPR)


Centre Jacques Calvé

Physical Medecine & Rehabilitation


Institut Calot

Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon


Institut Calot



Institut Calot

Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon


Centre Jacques Calvé

Physical Medecine & Rehabilitation


Institut Calot

Médecin praticien associé


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